We all need community. A community is a unified body of individuals, with common goals or interests scattered through a larger society.
Your neighborhood, your gym, your professional organization, and even those who are interested in living in the present could be a community. It makes sense that the communities we gravitate toward, both personally and professionally, are made up of like-minded people who make us feel uplifted, encouraged, inspired, and supported.

One way that I participate in community is by contributing time and funds to Wrestling Takes Down Drugs. Young adults need to be uplifted, encouraged, inspired and supported more than anyone in these difficult times of social polarity and addiction epidemics. This program aims to do that.
Local Wrestling Takes Down Drugs communities build self-esteem necessary to avoid the temptation of drug and alcohol abuse, while giving a sense of belonging to something solid. Please be an active part of your community. And if you wish, you are more than welcome to be a part of mine.